Baby Care Essentials
Take care of your sweet little bundle of joy with these baby care essentials.
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Clippers: Clipping your little one's nails can be terrifying. Their nails are so small, thin, and sharp! Some moms opt for just biting their little one's nails even though it is not recommended to do so. Instead, I would recommend a small pair of clippers that are designed for little fingers such as NailFrida Clipper set.

Comb: The hospital gave us a small comb to take home but both of my boys dealt with cradle cap for the first month or so. If you are not familiar with cradle cap, you can read more here. It is actually pretty common among infants. This comb is great for combing and care for your little one's cradle cap.

Nasal Aspirator
Nasal Aspirator: The hospital may provide you with a nasal aspirator or sometimes you can find a baby care kit that includes one. When purchasing a nasal aspirator, I would recommend purchasing one that can easily be cleaned such as this one. A lot of parents recommend the NoseFrida. I have yet to try it but I would recommend checking it out.

Thermometer: A ear and forehead thermometer such as this one is quick, easy, and comfortable for your baby. Plus, it can be used on older children and adults as well.

Vitamins and Meds
Tylenol: Unfortunately, your baby is going to get sick or be uncomfortable from shots or teething eventually. When that happens, you'll want to have some baby Tylenol on hand. Of course, consult your doctor before giving any medications to your baby.
Vitamin D: Our pediatrician recommended Vitamin D drops for the first year. If you are breastfeeding, discuss with your doctor if a Vitamin D supplement is suggested. If so, I highly recommend Vitamin D drop that can easily be applied to a nipple or with food.

Humidifier: We did not purchase a humidifier and haven't needed one, but many parents say a humidifier is a must-have item. Humidifiers can help clear stuffy noses, alleviate dry skin, and other respiratory issues. However, you must make sure you keep your humidifier clean to avoid the growth of bacteria and mold. A dirty humidifier can cause more harm than good. Also. look for a cold air humidifier such as this one instead of steam vaporizers to avoid the danger of scalding.
Pacifiers: Some babies take a pacifier and others do not. You may want to experiment with a couple of different types to see what works the best for your baby.
Pacifier Holders: If your baby does take a pacifier, I recommend having 2-3 holders to avoid the pacifier continually falling to the floor. Just remember that babies should not sleep with a holder. Pacifier holders also work great for attaching toys to a stroller so they aren't constantly falling to the floor too.

Bandana Bibs
Bandanas: Babies can be really drooly. Bandanas are cute and help keep your baby dry which helps reduce possible skin irritation. I would recommend starting with a set of 4 to 6. Parker Baby Bandanas worked really well for my boys.